What is Java? Java is a high level, object oriented, compiler & interpreter based, platform independent programming language. It is mainly used to develop standalone application softwares, enterprises softwares, web based applications. History and Evolution of Java Java developed by sun microsystem in year 1995 by the team of engineers lead by James Gosling. The project is called The green project. At that time it was developed for embedded software used in consumer electronics like TV set top box, Tosters etc. 1991-1992 : Initially the project was started and its name was Oak. 1993 : concept of Java applet is introduced. 1994 : introduced the web browser called hot Java and became the global leader for internet programming language. 1995 : name changed from oak to Java due to some legal issues. Big companies like Microsoft and Netscape shows their support for Java. 1996 : recognised as general purpose programming language. 1997 : JAVA SE 1.1 2006 : JAVA SE 6, removed ".0...